Ear Wax Removal

Oracle Hearing Center provides professional ear wax removal in Lawrenceville, NJ.

Got an earful of wax? Some of it is good for you.

Ear wax, technically known as “cerumen,” is a bodily production that is actually pretty useful- in small amounts, that is. It naturally cleans as it moves from the inner part of the canal outwards, as it gathers dead skin cells, hair, and dirt along the way. In normal circumstances, excess wax finds its way out of the canal and into the ear opening naturally, and then it is washed away. It also protects ear canal skin from irritation due to water, dust, foreign particles, and microorganisms. Tests have shown that ear wax actually contains antifungal properties, so if your ears don’t have enough ear wax, they’re likely to feel itchy and uncomfortable, so put those ear swabs away.

Why does ear wax build-up?

Excessive wax production can be the result of an overproduction by your glands, oftentimes seen in the summer as you sweat more. Conditions such as narrowing ear canals, overgrowth of hair in the canals, hypothyroidism, and diabetes can also contribute to more wax production. You’re also more likely to have wax buildup if you frequently use earphones or wear hearing aids. They can inadvertently prevent ear wax from coming out of the ear canals and cause blockages. Still, excess wax alone doesn’t lead to blockage. In fact, the most common cause of ear wax blockage is at-home removal, when cotton swabs, bobby pins, or other objects are used and inadvertently push wax deeper into the canal, creating a blockage.

What are the symptoms of ear wax buildup?

The appearance of ear wax varies from light yellow to dark brown. Darker colors don’t necessarily indicate that there’s a blockage.

Signs of earwax buildup include:

  • sudden or partial hearing loss, which is usually temporary

  • tinnitus, which is a ringing or buzzing in the ear

  • a feeling of fullness in the ear

  • earache

Ear Wax Removal in Lawrence Township, NJ: Irrigation via the Earigator™

At Oracle Hearing Center, ear wax removal is quick, painless, and effective via the use of the Earigator™. This is a machine that has a self-contained temperature control function, which consistently regulates the water to match your body temperature. As a result, any caloric effects or unwanted sensations of vertigo (common side effects of other irrigation methods) are avoided, and wax is irrigated quickly and comfortably. These precision-level pressure controls ensure quick, effective removal of even the most stubborn buildup, all while eliminating risk to the eardrum. The procedure is much faster than traditional methods, taking just 3-5 minutes per ear. Unlike other methods for removing ear wax buildup, the Earigator™ has no reported side effects of lingering discomfort.

The Cleaning process:

1. Take a look at the Impacted Wax with Video Otoscopy

2. Earigator to the Rescue!

3. Gently use the Earigator to remove the wax

4. A Clear Ear Canal Post Irrigation

Ear wax removal is fast, effective, and painless with the Earigator

Ear Wax Removal in Lawrenceville, NJ

Audiologists at Oracle Hearing Center are experts in performing ear wax removal in Lawrenceville, NJ.

Contact us today to schedule an appointment! 

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